Mpac Group plc

Communicating new brand positioning

Mpac 2020 Annual Report


Mpac Group plc is an international company that provides packaging and product manufacturing solutions for fast-moving consumer goods across the food and beverage, pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. Increasing automation, connected machinery and efficient product manufacturing and packaging processes help Mpac’s customers to achieve their product security, quality and shelf life objectives and sustainability goals.


When FourthQuarter began working with Mpac on its Annual Report and Accounts 2020, the Group had recently rebranded, acquired a business and had another major acquisition in the pipeline. The Report needed to communicate the company’s updated positioning, utilise the new visual brand and ensure the overall investment story was told well. While the statutory document is the annual report, Mpac favours its end of year Investor Presentation as a communication tool, meaning key content needed to be distilled effectively for screen-viewing.


We engaged with Mpac’s brand consultants early on in the project, to understand the customer research insights that drove the new visual and verbal brand. This informed the development of a series of page plan options, each of which enabled Mpac to communicate the multiple components of its story. This included the new brand offer of Automated Ecosystems, the company’s successful integration of Switchback its most recent acquisition, the opportunities for cost savings and innovation created by the COVID pandemic, and how in 2020 Mpac demonstrated resilience and agility. The new visual brand provided distinctive ecosystem imagery that helped to bring the story to life.


Our page planning approach for the Annual Report and Investor Presentation, plus design effectiveness at conveying key information and messages, enabled Mpac to streamline delivery of its multi-layered story. Investors could understand the benefits of the rebrand, the Group’s acquisition strategy and the management approach during the pandemic. All of which provide a strong foundation for future growth.